Promotional E-blasts

Promotional E-blasts

Let SAF send an email blast to our membership as sponsored content. New products and services that you want the industry to know about right now can be sent in an email. Choose a specific segment or our entire membership

Contact us for pricing
Materials Requirements
  • Fully designed, ready-to-send email in an HTML file. (use a testing service such as litmus to confirm html validation and deliverability of code)
  • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on your servers (no local files)
  • All hyperlinks need to be embedded
  • Subject line for the email

*All promotions are subject to approval by The Society of American Florists and can be discontinued for any reason at any time
*These are limited or exclusive promotions.

New Issue E-Blast

New Issue E-Blast

Sent on first and eighth of the month to more than 6,000 SAF members and subscribers.

Banner Ad: 468x90 px 

$400 for a video link